Joining CERA or renewing your membership

Membership of CERA costs just £7.50 per household per year and helps us work together for the benefit of members. To join CERA is very easy!

To pay by bank transfer

Just complete the form below and pay the membership fee of £7.50 for 1 year, or £15.00 for 2 years into our bank account: sort code 30-91-91, account number 52114860, organisation Central Ealing Residents’ Association

Please include your surname, house number and postcode in the bank payment reference field.


We encourage payment for two years subscription at a time, to keep our administration to a minimum.

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To pay by cheque

Just complete the following membership form and send it back, together with a cheque.

CERA subscription 04-12-24.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [174.4 KB]


We look forward to working with you in the future!

Contact us on

"Thanks for your excellent work" JW


"Many thanks for your work on behalf of us all" RY


"I wish to thank you for your excellent work" AB


"We congratulate and thank you for your efforts to keep Ealing safe from planning scandals" RE

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