Instructions for receiving notification of Planning applications by email

Instructions are included in the following document
Ealing Planning updates instructions CER[...]
Microsoft Word document [686.7 KB]

Some useful local web sites

CERA covers the Central Ealing area, north of the Broadway and Uxbridge Road. Within this area there are some more localised residents’ associations, such as:

  • Friends of Haven Green
  • Gordon Road & Surrounding Streets Residents’ Association, GRASS
  • Residents’ Association for Madeley and Westbury Roads, RAMWR
  • Woodville Gardens Residents’ Association
  • Five Roads Forum covering the area between St Leonard’s Road and Drayton Green Road, north of Uxbridge Road and south of the railway


Also covering Central Ealing, with a narrower focus, but covering the whole of the centre is Save Ealing's Centre a voluntary alliance of 27 residents’ associations and community groups, formed in response to proposed developments in the centre of Ealing.


To the north are the

To the east are the

To the south are the

To the west is

Contact us on

"Thanks for your excellent work" JW


"Many thanks for your work on behalf of us all" RY


"I wish to thank you for your excellent work" AB


"We congratulate and thank you for your efforts to keep Ealing safe from planning scandals" RE

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